Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fake coughing.


When I was busy watching something on hulu last night (can't remember what it was, but I'm sure it was garbage...), I kept getting interrupted by Chris.

Not only did he feel the need to plop down next to me while he was on the phone, but then he started fake-coughing.

How is someone supposed to watch trash TV with someone coughing every few seconds? It's actually not possible, that's how.

Finally, my patience had enough. It had been a whole 7-8 seconds or so of this madness.
"Stop fake coughing." I sneered.

He actually laughed out loud.
But I meant business.

"Seriously. You are faking it. I can tell."

I'm pretty sure he rolled his eyes (I might be making that part up), but he finally got up and finished his conversation in the other room, and I got to finish watching my absolutely-un-important-brain-numbing-hulu, while wearing my "Least Sympathetic Human on the Planet" crown.

And guess what? I woke up with a strange cough this morning.

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