Monday, February 23, 2009

Diaper Bag

Last weekend we decided to go up to Haleiwa for the day. I love that little place. It's such a tourist trap, yet still so authentic. Nothing like nasty Waikiki. So, we fed all our faces (because who likes to be hungry?), napped (because who likes cranky children?), and we were on our way.

Chris had a mission: to complete his birthday shopping with the perfect pair of sandals. In case you are wondering, Rainbow sandals, "just don't fit" him. Oh, and while we are on the subject, did I forget to mention that Chris got a brand spanking new MacBook for his birthday? Gosh, I swear, that low-maintenance kid sure does make up for being "low-maintenance" with big bangs like that here and there.

Ah hem.

Back to my story. Shopping. I was going to stay in the car and feed Hugh. But, he was sleeping and, after all, Chris was only going to be "in-and-out...ten minutes tops!" So, as I gathered my bambinos out of the back seat, I glanced at my diaper bag ("it's not exactly a Whinney the Pooh obviously-it's-a-diaper-bag, kind of bag", Chris pointed out later), and figured, "Nah, I will just leave it in our car. No one will steal a diaper bag on the floor between two car seats. They will know we got nothin'..."

So ten minutes turned into half an hour, and two stores later, we were back to our car. Problem was, the front door was now wide open, and everything inside was thrown around.

Someone broke into our car.
Super lame.

And stole my not-so-diaper-bag-looking-diaper-bag.
With my wallet inside.
Super lame.

Whatever. I hope they needed those 7 (yes, seven...I just stocked up!) diapers more than I did. I'm not sure about you, I don't like to pack and re-pack for every trip out of the house. So, I just always keep a well stocked bag, in order for me to grab and run when needed. Therefor, items found inside are simply deemed as "diaper bag" essentials; the necessities that aren't fancy pants at all. Why would I ever want to leave my nice stuff in there? In fact, for the most part, they are the weird, random things that I most likely found in the freebie bin. Who knows, maybe you aren't as white trash as me, and you don't have those funky things. I do. With that said, the "diaper bag" casualties included:

-Changing pad
(which I wasn't that in to, however it was very comfortable, therefor very functionable. But ugly. It may or may not have glown in the dark. I was the purchaser of this gem.)
-Extra outfit for Hugh
(Onsie, pants, socks...again, nothing worth crying about. A perfect example of something deemed "extra diaper bag outfit")
Extra receiving blanket
(same deal as the outfit...)
Extra burp rag
(I'm sure this thing came out of the 70's. Thank you freebie bin.)

However, there were some things that I'm annoyed about.

-First Aid kit for baby
Tylenol, thermometer, band aids (J has used these on several occasions), anti bacterial (obviously used multiple times daily), neosporin, etc. I shoved plenty of hair things and bobby pins in there too... After all, you never know when you are in an emergency...
-Baby Sunblock
-Beach clothes for both boys
(hats, trunks, rash guards...grrr)
-Hand lotion
(I'm not a chinsy hand lotion kind of person. Sort of a hand lotion snob. I will talk about that some other day...)
-Hooter Hider
(I hate that phrase. I would rather say, "Nursing Shield"...)
-Baby Sling
(Just bought it. Awesome.)

-Brand new pack of gum.

Now, some of you may say, "No harm. No foul. Get over it." I agree. It could have been worse. But, you see, I'm one of "Those Wallet People". I firmly believe you can tell a lot about a person from their wallet. My wallet was nothing spectacular, but it was the contents inside. It was more of a walking scrap book for me, holding all kinds of treasures from the past years (yes. years. it had been with me for many a moon). A stub from my first date with Chris FOUR YEARS AGO, a tag with my name on it from when I went to the temple the first time, Australian money and coins from our trip last year, treasures from the first moments we found out we were pregnant with both J and Hugh, scribbled love notes or thoughts written down about distinct personal moments, trinkets that Chris has given me, weird, stupid, pointless things that only I care about, and not someone looking to make a buck.

That's what makes me sad. I wish they stole all my credit cards, and left all the sentiment. You bet it was stupid to have left all that stuff in there, and not somewhere safe. I guess I liked carrying my memories with me, instead of stuffing them in a box under my bed, never to look at again.

Ah, and you thought I wasn't a sentimental person.

Anyway, I'm annoyed those things are gone, obviously. I actually have thought about driving around Haleiwa, looking into dumpsters until I found my gear. But then I realized the thought of someone just ditching all my my sentimental trinkets some where, taking only the things that were of monetary value made me even more upset. So, instead, I've told myself they are using each and every thing. All the "diaper bag" essentials, right along with all my memories.

Who knows? Maybe they went to a haunted house on their first date, too? So, if you see a person walking around with a baby sun hat on their head, using a size 4 or 2 diaper, wearing my baby sling, holding a little rock, reading a love letter, then send him my way.

Let him know he can keep the diapers.


  1. That sucks! I'm sorry. I tend to keep my little treasures like that stuffed in a little jewelry box on my dresser, but more because I am afraid I will lose them and less because I'm concerned about someone stealing them.

    On a side note, I hope Chris is enjoying his new MacBook. I LOVE mine! :)

  2. A few months ago when my wallet was stolen I lost stuff from my stint in London and my mission. There were people's phone numbers and address that I will never get back.

    I feel your pain.

  3. Awe Taylor...that sucks! I am sorry. Not to give you false hope, but my wallet was stolen over christmas and the wierdo returned it to the store he stole it from after he used my cards. I had $44 dollars in there too, and he left me $4.
    And, my mom's friends purse was once stolen. The purse was sentimental. She could care less about what was in it. She was devistated, but a few weeks later the purse showed up in the mail. I guess it was dumped somewhere but her ID was still in it. Someone found it, and mailed it to her.
    So, keep it in your prayers. It just might turn up somewhere. I'm really sorry though. That's a crappy feeling.

  4. i knew i should've stolen that bag when i had the chance. it's THE bag right? the purple and grey one that i fall in love with all over again every time i see it ...

    your pain is my pain.

    and it really bites to lose sentimental stuff, or to have it TAKEN from you, rather. sorry bout that.

    but matti sure did have some encouraging words ...

  5. i would be so upset! that is how my bag is packed too, ugh...what a jerk!

  6. Oh. That is so terrible. How violating. I'm so so sorry!
