Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's understandable

Jacob always gets mad when people confuse my boys as girls.
It's totally understandable.

J has more hair then a lot of girls his age. And we aren't planning on cutting it any time soon.

And Baby Hugh is a beautiful baby.
And my mother in law bought him this red polka dot outfit... mwah ha ha

So, it's understandable.


  1. They are so cute! At least they aren't girls that people confuse as boys... for some reason, I'd consider that worse. Hmm.

  2. Those are two gorgeous baby boys, Taylor!

  3. wait, that's a boy in the red polka dots?? JustKidding my friend

    everyone thinks gwen is glenn, if ya know what i mean. so NOT cool.

    and pleasure, as always, to see you today. did you break 30 at intermurals??

  4. I love your posts because I read them as if they are actually coming out of your mouth! You tell a story the same way that you would tell it in person. Sorry about your diaper bag, i hate when things get stolen! You feel so violated! It's just creepy to think of someone looking at YOUR things! I will try to help track this person down... as well as J's shoe thief!!

  5. just making sure you know about the change in location for beach day tomorrow morning- see my blog for details!

  6. J doesn't even look like a girl in my opinion. He looks like 5 time All-Pro Safety Troy Polamalu


  7. J is a stud. I can level with you on the girl comments though, Logan's hair grows SUPER fast PLUS it's curly!! Oh the comments we get!
    You seriously have one of the cutest families ever. Seriously. :)
