Thursday, February 12, 2009

All is fair in love and war

Me and my first baby love. Please notice the "scruchie", denim overalls, and plaid vest-thing... Who didn't love the 90's?

J thought these pictures of "Baby Uncle Jacob" were hilarious. He couldn't stop laughing, and pointing at the computer, then uncle Jacob, yelling his name.

And when it's not, I win.

This time around, I won an awesome prize.
And he just so happens to be my little brother.

And he rocks.

My Mom and Jacob came out to visit for a week and half, and the best present she left me, was her youngest son; my youngest brother. I have been plotting and pleading for a way to get him out here, and I guess after all of my manipulation, my parents gave in.

I've always felt like I have partial ownership of my brother. A matter of fact, speaking for all of my other siblings, we all think so. The 6 older kids in my family were all raised in one big swift motion together. We are all really close in age, and just all grew up together. Then, 11 years after I was born, along came Jacob. Poor guy, never stood a chance, having 6 older siblings who all thought they were his parents. I'm sure it took him a while to realize who his real Mom and Dad were.

I'm honored to have him in my home. I write this post for him to read years and years from now. If he ever read this any time soon, he would get so embarassed, and not know what to say. But some day down the road, maybe when he's an old married man, with children of his own (IMPOSSIBLE!!), I hope he can read this post, and realize what he means to our whole family, and what his time in Hawaii meant to me.

I love him so very much. He has always been an old soul, trying to keep up with his older siblings. My loudest memory of Jacob, that hasn't left me alone, was when he was only about 5 or 6. My parents went from having all 7 kids at home, to 2 real quick. All four of my older brothers had moved to California for the summer. Ironically, I was living in California as well. I went home to visit for a week or so and when it was time for me to leave, Jacob started crying. I asked him what was wrong, and he said,

"Why does everyone keep leaving?"

"We have to!"

"No you don't. No one has to leave. You all choose to ... But everyone always leaves me ..."

And that is when I decided that I would bring him to me some day.
Sorry I'm about 4 years late, brother.

Welcome to my home.


  1. How cool! I must admit I was a little confused when he said "I'm Jacob and I'm moving here!"

    now you have THREE boys!

  2. How sweet. What a cute little brother you have. He reminds me of my little brother. He has been the "only child" now for like 4 years and I feel so sad for him.

  3. Oh my!! Can you be MY big sister, Taylor! How fun for him! Tell me all about it someday, okay (we'll have to start calling each other)? And that little Hugh of yours..?? I'm missing him (and sweet Jay of course!).

  4. oh cousins, i love you! this is one of my favorite blogs. i'm glad you are coming to california soon. me and liz will swap out our vegas road-trip destination for wherever you are any day.


  5. What a neat experience... I wish I could con my parents into letting me have one of my little sisters for a while. I miss having them around!

  6. Oh! I think this is so wonderful! Is he at Laie Elem?? How funny! He goes to school with Raleigh!
