I never know what to say to people when they ask, "So, did you have a natural labor?" To me, that just doesn't make sense. Did I give birth? Did I carry a child 9 (I swear it's more like 10...) months? Did I give birth to a human baby? All those questions go through my head... What do you mean??
With that said, I gave birth, once again, naturally...
With J, I got a (GASP!) epidural. I didn't really care either way, particularly. I'm not much of a tree hugger, but at the same time, I'm no druggie. I hate most medication, and will do most I can to avoid it, generally causing a lot of unnecessary pain. But, like I said, I'm no tree hugger. Moving on: my heart rate got all crazy, I was border-line seizures (not a good idea), and before I knew it, I was having a "pain-free" labor (WONDERFUL WAY TO GO!!). However, 6 hours later, the epidural came to a screeching halt, and I endured the last 10 hours of labor in hysterics, absolutely convinced I was dying. Not a pretty picture.
So, I didn't want to get an epidural this time.
I was going to go "all natural".
And that I did.
Whether I wanted to or not...
Around 9:00 AM they put me on pitocin. I had been having contractions, but they just were not doing anything (as usual). I realized my doctor must have told on me, how I had been having contractions for eons, and nothing was happening. The trader.
I really owned this labor at this point. I worked it, instead of it working me. I had replayed J's labor again and again, and knew all the things I was going to do different this time. I knew this time the bed was my enemy, and I would do my darnedest to stay out of it. So, hooked up to all my different fancy machines, my IV, and now pitocin (yuck), I hiked up my britches, and away we went walking the halls of the famous Castle Hospital.
Did I mention my nurse was a man?? Ya, totally awesome! I was way weirded out when he first walked into the room, but he was the coolest! Whenever I would ask if I could do anything, he would say, "Well, Chapman wouldn't let you, but I say go for it!!" he was THE BOMB. Oh, and he never "checked me" (Chapman always did), so, there was only admiration for this man... no weirded out-ness.
Anyway, into the halls we went. For hours on end. The pitocin contractions were a joke, totally on top of each other, but like I said, I owned this labor, and showed it who was boss. The pain came as waves, and I would just walk through them, without stopping. I learned that when I stopped, it actually has harder. It was good to physically walk through the pain, and well as mentally. I would walk for about an hour and half, then come and sit on the exercise ball for an hour and half, then back to the halls. I was really into how how well I was doing, and was told so by the different nurses who saw us cruising the hallway.
Then Chapman came in around noon. I was still a 3. Ya ya.
Back to the walking and exercise ball.
Chapman came back in around 3:00 PM. I was still a 3. Go figure.
Back to my routine.
Chapman came back in around 6:00 PM. I was still a 3. Seriously? "3 must be your number! You were stuck at a 3 with J, too!" Chapman laughed. I didn't.
She broke my water.
There is little I can think of in this life that is more physically exhausting and painful then having pitocin contractions on top of each other, after your water is broken. The really crummy thing about this point, was that Chapman told me I now had to stay in bed... BED. My worse enemy. URGH.
With that said, I gave birth, once again, naturally...
With J, I got a (GASP!) epidural. I didn't really care either way, particularly. I'm not much of a tree hugger, but at the same time, I'm no druggie. I hate most medication, and will do most I can to avoid it, generally causing a lot of unnecessary pain. But, like I said, I'm no tree hugger. Moving on: my heart rate got all crazy, I was border-line seizures (not a good idea), and before I knew it, I was having a "pain-free" labor (WONDERFUL WAY TO GO!!). However, 6 hours later, the epidural came to a screeching halt, and I endured the last 10 hours of labor in hysterics, absolutely convinced I was dying. Not a pretty picture.
So, I didn't want to get an epidural this time.
I was going to go "all natural".
And that I did.
Whether I wanted to or not...
Around 9:00 AM they put me on pitocin. I had been having contractions, but they just were not doing anything (as usual). I realized my doctor must have told on me, how I had been having contractions for eons, and nothing was happening. The trader.
I really owned this labor at this point. I worked it, instead of it working me. I had replayed J's labor again and again, and knew all the things I was going to do different this time. I knew this time the bed was my enemy, and I would do my darnedest to stay out of it. So, hooked up to all my different fancy machines, my IV, and now pitocin (yuck), I hiked up my britches, and away we went walking the halls of the famous Castle Hospital.
Did I mention my nurse was a man?? Ya, totally awesome! I was way weirded out when he first walked into the room, but he was the coolest! Whenever I would ask if I could do anything, he would say, "Well, Chapman wouldn't let you, but I say go for it!!" he was THE BOMB. Oh, and he never "checked me" (Chapman always did), so, there was only admiration for this man... no weirded out-ness.
Anyway, into the halls we went. For hours on end. The pitocin contractions were a joke, totally on top of each other, but like I said, I owned this labor, and showed it who was boss. The pain came as waves, and I would just walk through them, without stopping. I learned that when I stopped, it actually has harder. It was good to physically walk through the pain, and well as mentally. I would walk for about an hour and half, then come and sit on the exercise ball for an hour and half, then back to the halls. I was really into how how well I was doing, and was told so by the different nurses who saw us cruising the hallway.
Then Chapman came in around noon. I was still a 3. Ya ya.
Back to the walking and exercise ball.
Chapman came back in around 3:00 PM. I was still a 3. Go figure.
Back to my routine.
Chapman came back in around 6:00 PM. I was still a 3. Seriously? "3 must be your number! You were stuck at a 3 with J, too!" Chapman laughed. I didn't.
She broke my water.
There is little I can think of in this life that is more physically exhausting and painful then having pitocin contractions on top of each other, after your water is broken. The really crummy thing about this point, was that Chapman told me I now had to stay in bed... BED. My worse enemy. URGH.
This was simply the start of the really ugly part.
oh man, i really really don't think I'm ready to do all of that AGAIN. you are a AWESOME for doing pitocin that long without any pain meds. way to be super tuff!!!
ReplyDeleteTaylor - you are my hero! How you are alive to type the tale, I will never know. And MAN, you looked AMAZING at nine months pregnant! There's a reason none of my "hospital gown happy pictures" are posted -- swollen face :( Bleck.
ReplyDeleteI could handle the pitocin contractions until the dr broke my water too. Oh man!
ReplyDeleteAnd seriously I look as pregnant now as you did at 9 months. You looked great!
ok, you need to just finish this story already, i can't wait any longer.
ReplyDeletebut way to go making it that long owning labor- pitocin is the devil.
I'm glad you are going to Chapman... I really like her. I'm not a fan of the other doctor out there...
ReplyDeleteAnd ya, would you finish the story already??? I know you have two kids and all and your life doesn't revolve around blogging, but I'm anxious here!
I'm glad you survived the pitocin, that devil drug!
haha... I didn't get to read the whole post(which I will get back to) but i just had to say you make me laugh. the whole natural labor thing..haha... you're awesome.
ReplyDeleteSo, this Doctor Chapman... I will ask the obvious: Have you figured out of you're related?
ReplyDeletecan't wait for the next chapter.. you cliffhanger of an author, you..
ReplyDeleteyeah i know your a super bus mom of two babes...but i can't wait fo the end of the story any longer! finish it all ready!!!
ReplyDeleteoh and by the way, amazing job!!!
I got to read that whole thing, Taylor! Loved it. Isn't there more to the story (or did you not have the time to write it all?). I LOVE you guys and miss you and your little sweet boys already. Thank you for a FABULOUS, perfect week. I say that because not only was the location perfect, YOU guys were perfect. I'm serious! It could of totally stunk if we were even the slightest bit irritated or weirded out with who we were staying with. Thank you from the bottom of whatever....p.s. sorry I didn't stay up til all hours of the night talking. I can't do it. If I don't sleep, I'm a crazy woman.
ReplyDeletetaylor, you crack me up! i am totally on the same page with you on the natural labor thing...lol...i'm no tree hugger. your baby boy is so darn cute! congratulations, hope all is well!
ReplyDeleteholy cow. you are a brave brave soul. i plan to walk and use the ball too. i looove my man gyno, because he always says things like "the hospital says no, but i would let you" he is my hero!