I trudged through 4 more hours of contractions that seemed never ending, one on top of the next, totally focused on not getting an epidural, and doing pretty dang good if I say so myself. Chapman came back in around 10:00 PM. This time, I knew there was no way these contractions could have done nothing, because they were breath taking, soul wrenching, son-of-a-guns.
I was still a 3.
I lost it. It suddenly became very clear to me that I was going to be here for a heck of a lot longer, stuck in this same position, sitting on my stupid bed, enduring contraction after contraction, and it wasn't going to get any easier. A matter of fact, it was only getting later and later. I would need my energy to push... Once I was a four with J, it still took nearly 10 hours to get to a ten. Then I had to push for two hours. I did the math really quick in my head, and realized there would be no way to labor through the night at this rate, and be clear headed enough for the long haul.
Around 11:00 PM I asked for an epidural. Chris reminded me that I didn't want to get one. I told him before that if I asked for one, I would have to wait an hour before I would actually get one, to see if I could progress just that much... When he mentioned all the things I made him promise me he would at this point, I may or may not (may...) have sworn at him, and explained how much pain I was really in, and that I had waited my fair share of hours.
So, in came the anesthesiologist, who wasn't really an anesthesiologist, but one of those nurse-whatever-wanna-be ones. He was a total jerk, otherwise I wouldn't demean his profession. Serves him right. The first thing out his mouth was, "Oh, so you gave up! You decided you couldn't do it, eh?" I wanted to kill him. Truthfully. My new-found-mortal-enemy took his sweet time explaining to me everything, even after asking if I had already had an epidural before. He was enjoying my pain far more than any person should.
An hour (not exaggerating. I wish I was!!) passed by before he actually got to the point where you insert the stupid needle into my back. It's now midnight. He proudly walks around to the front of me, and explains it should start working soon. He left the room. I secretly wished he would die in the hall before I ever had to see him again. Truthfully. My epidural with J started working INSTANTLY. So... I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Half way up my legs went numb, and I got excited, anticipating that same numbness to wash away the pain of each contractions. Fifteen minutes passed, and Mr. Jerk fake-doctor-man was back into the room, asking if it was working. "Nope."
Fifteen more minutes passed.
Still not working.
He stood there, fiddling with things for the next half hour, telling me to lay on this side, or that, or do this, or do that, dumb founded that tears were still streaming down my face during each contraction (still on top of each other). I was actually very calm, because I was some what hopeful of this impending pain coming to an end... eventually. As much as I hated this person I had not known existed an hour earlier, I actually had faith that he knew what he was doing.
He kept poking me between the peaks of the contractions with this sharp needle he was holding. "Can you feel this? Are you sure? What about here? Here? Are you sure?" I couldn't believe he kept asking, "are you sure..." when every person in the room could obviously, clearly, see I was in a lot of pain still.
An hour after the first epidural he had me sit back up, hold still, and did the whole epidural again.
Then, all the theatrics started again, with the poking, tears, disbelief, laying here, laying there, etc. Nothing helped. I was numb half way up my thighs, and that was it. The pain in my hips during each contraction was unbearable.
My heart rate started to sky rocket. They were worried I was going into cardiac arrest: Same pattern as my first labor. Hugh's heart rate was dropping after each contraction: they informed me this is a sign the cord is wrapped around the neck. Quickly the explained we needed to prepare for an emergency c-section, and they were calling Chapman immediately. They decided to check me, since the fake-anesthesiologist was having a major blow to his self esteem--- because he had "NEVER" had something like this happen. Ya, well serves ya right for being such a jerk.
Oh. I was a 10.
I went from a 3 to a 10 in an hour. No wonder my hips felt like they were ripping a part. No wonder why the epidural was a total waste. Apparently when you go that fast, it's impossible for the epidural to catch up with you. A couple nurses came in, and they were running around like frantic little bees, getting everything set up for a delivery after all. It was a little chaotic, and I started bawling...
I could not believe it. I was a 10. Really? So fast? It's only been 16 hours... Really? This baby is coming?? I did it? That was it...?? They adjusted the bed so everything was good to go, and I could actually see Hugh's head. It was incredible. Not anything like before. The nurse asked if I wanted to "practice pushing" before Chapman got there. Of course, I said, "SURE!" I started to push, and almost instantly she started laughing, and said, "Ok, wait stop!! You can't push anymore! Wait until Chapman gets here..."
Almost a second later in walked Chapman. "No way! I can't believe you are ready to have this baby!!" Ya, no kidding, is all I could think. I was bawling. She asked, "Are you OK? Are you crying because you are in so much pain?" I laughed and said, "No, I just can't believe this." I thought everything was going to be a lot longer, and this intense pain I had been having since my water broke, was going to continue on all night.
But it wasn't.
It was really coming to an end.
I had one more contraction, and pushed, and out he came. That was it. Two minutes of pushing, maybe. That was it. Again, I could not believe it. I was totally awake, and aware of what was going on. And I was totally coherent. I wasn't crying with pain, but simply dumb founded about how the change of the current events was unfolding. I don't even remember the last 10 hours of my labor with J--- I had very seriously checked out mentally. It was so sweet to be able to experience, and almost enjoy, pushing out Hugh, and being alert and aware of what was going on the moment he entered the world. Everything was so clear.
My perfect little Hugh was placed into my arms around 2:00 AM. And we have been in love ever since.

thank you for the ending. i can see why you are i love, he is so cute and when you work really hard for something it is that much better!
ReplyDeleteand i think i would have punched that jerk guy, seriously, i would have had some really nice words for him. but what a great twist of events at the end!
Someone was obviously looking out for you and your babe. Good job! Congratulations on being a mom of two wonderful children :)
ReplyDeletei love your story! what a jerk of a PR or PN or whatever those guys are called! You should have punched him, I think women in labor can get away with things like that! IT makes me sooo pumped for my own birthing experience!
ReplyDeleteUm, is there any turning back now, I don't think I can do any of that, pretty much for sure I am not going to survive labor. I have no idea what i am in for, I have not read any books, gone to any classes etc. Mainly cuz I have to much else going on to freak myself out more than I already am. So um if you have any pointers it would be very appreciated. Mainly I am not leaning any direction of epidural, natural, and all that other stuff. Eeeek I am so SO not ready.
ReplyDeletehooray for the ending!!! :) that guy was a jerk. that's awesome you progresssed so fast. great labor story. Next time just tell the nurses to suggest an c-section right away and then you can cut your labor in half again!!! that seems to do the trick for your body to kick it into high gear!!!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny that with all the delivery talks we had, I don't think you were ever really able to completely finish your story? Thank you. LOVED it, as usual. It's so clear, everything you write, as if we're in the room with you. You're amazing Taylor. I love that little Hugh boy!!
ReplyDeleteGreat story! I am glad this labor was a little bit better than with J, but still pretty crazy! I wish you would have punched that nurse man in the face, I seriously can't believe he would have the nerve to say something sooo unbelievably STUPID! Congrats again, Hugh is the cutest! I have to come by and hold him sometime!
ReplyDeleteI really loved reading your story! Its so exciting you have 2 little ones now! Hope all os well woth everyone. Counting down the dorm days yet?
ReplyDeleteYou totally should have kicked that tech in the face... what a jerk!
ReplyDeleteI've really enjoyed reading your stories about your little ones, Becca.
I can't beleive that anesthesiologist! And he was poking you with a needle? That's so odd. They used ice to see if I was numb.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your birth story- Hugh is such a cutie and obviously has an amazing mom!
i love your stories. and this one is just so fresh. so ... *sigh*. i loved LOVED labor with Gwen. loved it! and this just reminded me of it SO much. stupid cocky anaestetician, "holy cow i'm a 10?!", in love from the first moment, back-to-back with no break contractions (especially after having your water broken), being infuriated because i couldn't walk anymore. yada yada yada ... i could go on. i'm so glad you have hugh. isn't it PERFECT! your heart just explodes with love, huh. you think you'll never love someone a certain way with so much intensity. you think it's not possible. then BAM you're in love with another child just the same as the first. and it's the happiest, most fulfilling, delicious feeling EVER!
ReplyDeletei love babies. i'm so so SO happy for you!
I wish I had a picture of myself while reading this intense novel! I was so into it and so excited for the happy ending! He is so sweet:)
ReplyDeleteThanks you for finishing your story. ;)
ReplyDeleteGOOD JOB on getting baby number two here! your such a stud!
and what a crazy man! I would have killed him, literally.
I'm so glad you were able to finish your story! That was an amazing experience. Good job doesn't even cut it. He is just so adorable, it's no wonder why we do it all over again! Congratulations!!
ReplyDeleteOh man Taylor!!! I'm glad that you were able to have him the way you wanted to and a lot faster than with J!!! That's a crazy story. I would have kicked that guy... or wanted to. That's what Trent wants to be... so I'll give him a heads up on what NOT to say to a laboring girl (I'm sure he wouldn't anyway!) I'm glad that sweet little Hugh is here safe and sound!!
ReplyDeleteI read your post last night and just loved it, I love how you shared your experience completely from your point of view. Reading other peoples labor experiences helps me prepare for my own. Thank You for sharing.