Friday, January 30, 2009


So, apparently, life is a lot easier, when you can move both your arms. I'm learning this to be true.
I've been slow to post, because I can't exactly (easily) extend my arms these days. First it was just my left arm, but I've been really favoring that arm for a good week or two, and now I've gone and done it to my right arm.
You need arms to hold babies.
Babies need to be held.
See a problem here?
For now, we're just trying to avoid surgery, so wish us luck.
*Good thing Grandma is coming to help TODAY!*
**Too bad she has to get surgery on her shoulder ASAP... what's with us?
I guess together we can be one functioning person. That's better than one not functioning person. Right?**


  1. OUCH! I hope you feel better soon. Say hello to your mom for me. :)

  2. Oh!! YOu really were having some problems with your joints! I'm sorry! Is your mama visiting? I hope that helps. We miss you! REALLY BAD..

  3. Owe! Good luck. I didn't know this. You looked so "normal" at the beach friday. Jonathon had this kind of tear, but decided to get surgery after about 7 mo (just cause it wasn't healing to the extent he wanted and it was making it hard to work out which is one of his favorite past times when he's not so busy with school.) Anyway, let me know if you need any help you poor thing.
