In an atempt to try and update on life, here is a direct copy of an email I sent my brother... because I can...
Dear Elder Taylor,
Sorry that I have been slacking so much lately with writing. I have been crummy writing you, and keeping up with my blog, too actually (since you mentioned it). Chris has actually become very VERY busy with school these last couple weeks, buckling down for finals, his research projects, internship, the works... Which means our computer is almost always being utilized. I try to not be on the computer when my human (his name is J) is awake, because I don't find that "good parenting" ie: "Please don't bother me son, I am on the computer... Oh you are bleeding to death? You just go electrocuted? The house is on fire? What's that you say? Sorry, I'm on the computer". You get the idea. Anyway, because of this, it leaves nap times, and bed time for me to run wild on the computer. Unfortunately, those are usually the times that Chris is also taking advantage of our sleeping human (his name is J), and wrapping up his 1.5 million different research papers.
HOWEVER, next week is finals, so I anticipate my computer and I will be reunited, once again after this semester finally comes to a close :) Actually, I take that back... He is going to be studying for the GRE for the month of December---AND THEN, maybe I will see my computer again. Heaven forbid we just buy another computer, eh? Some day.... some day...
Moving on.
Things around here are good. Like I said, Chris has been really busy. This has been, by far, his busiest semester. We have been so spoiled our whole marriage with us both having really great schedules, and lots and lots of extra free time to spend together. I guess this semester has been a little more accurate of how the "real world" functions, as far as not seeing each other almost 24/7. Either way, I am grateful for him, and continually in awe with his work ethic and time management. I don't think I would be as productive... I tend to cave under pressure like that. And so it goes, that he is the full time college student, dad, bishopric member, husband, etc. I simply have the full time job of "Mom", which I am just fine with. Nothing more, please.
It's getting exciting for this other human to come to our family. I wonder when the actual day will be. Chris seems to think sooner than later (I heard him saying something about the 19th...Oh gosh), but I don't have as high of hopes. I can only hope that I have a baby before the end of the year. Other than that, it's all up in the air. I can't quite figure out the whole boy vs girl thing, either. One day I'm sure it's a boy, and then the next, I'm thinking it could actually be a girl after all. Who knows. Well, you do, but you know what I mean. If it's a girl, we are in big trouble as far as clothing the child goes. However, I suppose those are matters that can be fixed. I would be pleasantly surprised for either at this point.
J is so awesome. I know it's cliche for parents to say that about their own kids, but really, he just is. I love my little guy so much. About a week and half ago, I had my first break down, as far as "I WANT THIS BABY OUT OF ME!! I CANT BE PREGNANT ANOTHER DAY!!!" (it happens...), but since then, it was like Heavenly Father blessed me to see how great life is just this very second. I have found a new, even deeper love for J. He is my first born. That sentence has never meant so much, until he was born. It's like my soul split when he was born, and he just so happens to own the other part of that. I love him. I adore him. I can't get enough of him. It hit me like a ton of bricks, that this one-on-one time I get with him will never ever happen again. He will never again be my one-and-only-child. But for now, he is my world. It was a great realization (and obvious one, yes), because since then, I have been able to be a lot more calm about this pregnancy, and just soak up every day I get with J, where as before, maybe I was a little more antsy to get the part of the story where we finally have two kids on a roll. It's weird to think that I could possibly love another child as much as I love J, yet of course, I know it will happen.
It's magical, really.
Being a mother has taught me so much, especially about the love parents have for their children---in turn, the love my Heavenly Father must have for me. Personally. Individually, not just as a collective group. It's sometimes incomprehensible to me. So yes, we are very excited for this new baby to come. We got such a good deal with the first, hopefully this next one we'll want to keep, too.
Some of J's new favorite things include: escaping out the front door. URGH. The bane of my existence. He figured out how to open our front door, and it's been a battle ever since. Don't get me wrong, I watch my child, but sometimes I need to go to the bathroom, and BAM! he's out the front door. Or sometimes I need to, heaven forbid, make him lunch/breakfast/dinner, and BAM! he is out the front door. Not so awesome. Especially not so awesome when I'm hanging out in only the essentials, because we both just got up in the morning, and I'm flipping him some fried eggs. Now, you may say, "Well, why don't you just lock the door?" He knows how to unlock it. The other option is the dead bolt we had put in, which just causes other issues... for example, J will be down for a nap, and I will try to sneak in some shut eye while he's at it. Chris will come home from school in the mean time, with the dead bolt on the door, which proceeds to him waking me up, and me cursing the stupid dead bolt, because I can't go back to sleep since I was woken up. You see where I'm going??
Another new trick: He loves to throw things in the toilet. What the heck?? It's so gross. But really. He loves the bathroom (because it's the most NAUGHTY room to go into in the house, I'm sure). He has decided that his main goal in life is to destroy all his favorite toys by throwing them in the toilet. It's totally gross, and we make a big deal about throwing his toys in the garbage, because he ruined them, which just confuses him. I really think he thinks the toilet is just a fun place, and we keep ruining his fun by throwing his toys away after they have experienced all that the toilet has to offer. It must be confusing.
Last trick, before I let you go: Getting any, and every, decoration off the tree that is within his human reach. He has also mastered taking his baseball bat, and whacking it against the decorations that are higher up on the tree, until they either break, or fall to his reach, where he then proceeds to break them. So, our tree is beautiful. BEAUTIFUL! At least two thirds the way up. The bottom half = EMPTY. And we only put our tree up a couple days ago. Such is life.
Well, I am majorly rambling. I guess it really has been a long time since I wrote. I'm on a roll :) I love you brother!! Until next week. Live long, and eat spam.
I'm unsure its personal letter is only for your brother? Which brother goes on mission but not Nathan recently got married in Hawaii temple and other Mike recently got married too. But not Jacob cuz he is still young age, like about 13 yrs old?