Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just another one of those things.

It's amazing how drained I am from registering.

I don't want to blog tonight.

So, instead I will give you some info:

Chris and I registered for the
"We walk for the steps our babies will never take"

I still remember our wonderful heaven-sent nurse that sat with me for hours before Walt was born. She just so happened (tender mercy) to be the Head of the Grievance Team at UCI.

SIDE NOTE. Two things:
1) Isn't that sad that there are such things as: Grievance Teams
Yuck. And Yuck.
2) Isn't it amazing that we showed up just after her shift started?
Yes. And Yes.
She is actually the person that trains EVERYONE in the hospital how to deal with "GRIEVING SITUATIONS".
She is my own personal angel sent.

Anywho (can you tell my brain is scattered??), she was one of the only people who didn't walk through our hospital room door with a look of doom/devastation slapped on their face. She sat in bed with me, cried with me, answered every innocent question I had, and laughed at every totally inappropriate comment that came spewing out of my mouth all night.
I couldn't help it.
It was the morphine.
And, my lack of propriety. Yep. Both did me in that day.
Anywho (again), I remember when she mentioned this Walk. My heart leaped, and I instantly knew that it was something I would want to do. When your baby dies in your arms, only moments after birth, there is not much you get to do to celebrate their life.
Just sayin'.

And here we are. It's October already?
It's October already.

We would love to invite any and all that want to participate. It would really (like, really, really) mean a lot to us to see your face.
And, we are pretty shy about telling people what would mean a lot to us.

So come.

PS We have a "TEAM NAME" because we are THAT official. Don't forget to register AS A TEAM MEMBER: Walking with Walt

PPS Now that I am officially off bed rest
(well, not really-ish... but I will be. Next week. I know I will get a clear sign!) it's time to plan our Memorial for little Wally.
Since all hell broke loose after his birth, it sort of put a damper on the whole memorial/burial part of this all.
Details, details.
We have our plot, but have been waiting for.ev.er. on his head stone---did you know it takes like five hundred years for those things??--- yadda, yadda, yadda.

My point: if you can't make it to the Walk, we are also attending the candle light ceremony that the hospital puts on for all the infants who have died that year:

"Wave of Light" Candle light ceremony

October 15th 7:00 PM

UCI Medical Center
Edward Shanbrom
MD Hall Lawn

Hospital Parking Structure

.The end.


  1. oh how i wish i could, taylor! i'll go on a walk for walt here, by myself.

    i will. all my love.

  2. with you in heart, spirit- all the above! love you.

  3. Lighting candles in Germany for Wally boy.

    My thoughts are with you, as always. Love you, cousin.

  4. Dear sweet Taylor. Oh how you have a way with words, i love reading your blog and i cry just about everytime I read it. My heart goes out to you and your family. I can only imagine what you've been though these last couple of months. crying doesn't make it better but it's all I can do to let you know that I love you. Thank goodness for earthly Angels. Without them I don't how anyone can get though life.

    And on a happier note: Hooray for getting off bed rest soon. You are a wonder woman. We wish we lived closer so we could join you in your walk. We'll be walking around the Puget Sound Golf Course with Team Walt in our hearts. :)

    We love you.

  5. I wish I could do this with you! I didn't even know that they had walks like this. What a special thing to do.

  6. I'll be at the walk for sure! I'll walk with you in honor of our sweet angel babies Walt and Jayden. I understand how overwhelming the burial thing is, who knew how much you have to plan for it?!we.had. no.idea.

  7. We wouldn't even miss it for a Manchester United game (and if you know my husband...)

  8. haha I realized somehow I was signed on my mother-in-laws name. HOw on earth that happens, I know not.

  9. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!!!
