The boys were having a grand ol' time waiting for dinner. As I watched them jumping on the trampoline, they discussed the exact aerodynamics of how one could be become "THE jumping champion". One boy would sit off to the side waiting while the other jumped two or three times, before they turned to their brother and said, "You're turn." This routine continued, as they tried to figure out how to jump higher then the other.
After the billionth time jumping, J began instructing Hugh precisely how to execute a good jump. In between the lecture, Hugh started tugging at his shorts. J jumped up and said (with a very concerned voice), "Hugh, do you need to go potty? You need to go potty little buddy?"
Hugh replied with his ever so present dragged out, "Yeeeeeeeah."
J turned into this auto pilot child, totally in control. "Ok. Come here." He held Hugh's hand and escorted him off the trampoline. Once they reached the steady ground, J tried to pick up Hugh, and carry him inside (I'm pretty sure they weigh almost the same...). Hugh was so patient, and let J baby him the whole way.
They were both enjoying it. So was I.
J brought Hugh inside and gave him THE TALK. "No going potty on the floor. Ok Hugh? You only go potty on the toilet. No potty on the floor, right??"
J began dismantling Hugh's mess of clothes (that child is always filthy dirty---why??). Before he got to his diaper, he grabbed his face with both hands. "Remember. No going potty on the floor. You are not a baby. You are a boy. And I am a boy. And you have to go potty on the toilet. Not the floor. Right?"
I almost peed my own pants laughing at how serious the situation had become. To them though, I was only a fly on the wall. I watched their hysterical interaction as J was dragging/carrying Hugh into the bathroom, and directed him to the toilet.
"Ok. There it is little guy. You can do it. It's not scary. You can't drown. It's just a toilet. That's where you go potty. And you can do it. It's not scary. Go. Go on. I'm here."
Hugh has gone to bathroom countless times on the potty. Just so you know. This was NOT new to him, but they were both playing their parts so perfectly. J escorted him to the royal thrown, and even gave his booty a boost up. Hugh did his thing, with all sorts of encouraging words from J. After a few seconds, J grabbed his face in between his hands again and said, "You can do this!!" after he had already finished his business.
Hugh said, "I can do this!"
After all was said and done, J didn't think it was important to re-dress his brother, and away they went, back to their jumping. One fully clothed, the other, not.
I was shaking from keeping a straight face, while laughing so hard, I couldn't get a decent picture from my phone.

For the record, I totally, completely, fully morally appose to taking pictures of my children when they are not clothed, or doing their business in the bathroom.
I think it's absurd.
However, this could not have been passed up.
White trash?
No, not white trash. You HAD to do it. And for the record I am dying for the day when Ambrose and Asher can fully communicate on this level because there is already a glimmering of it now and it kills me much in the same way you have mentioned.
ReplyDeleteHilarious!!! What cute boys, this story is so funny.
ReplyDeleteWay to go, J! Looks like Mama is off the potty-training hook this time around, eh? Hilarious. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so hilarious! I love it! Thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteso funny! i love the pics. not white trash at all. you need to remember moments like this with your kids!
ReplyDeleteThis is GREAT!! I can't even handle that they're BOTH old enough to be peeing on the toilet! And look at you in full control. I would have been like, "Get in here! Hurry. Run to the bathroom". I love that you allowed Hugh to do that. Oh my gosh, soo cute!
ReplyDeleteEr..I meant J. Love that you allowed J to be in charge. Aaah...brothers. (:
ReplyDeleteSo cute! And how did you get Hugh potty trained so quick! I am too scared to start trying!
ReplyDeleteUm. HILARIOUS! I would have peed my pants for sure!