**Post originally written 7/5/10**

I'm totally supposed to be sleeping right now.
But, after clicking on interviews on YouTube (including Justin Timberlake, the Cast of Glee, Jessica Simposon, Jessica Beil, on and on...) for the last hour, I'm thinking that I should keep on procrastinating. Ya know, all those stimulating, thought provoking (not at all) interviews have really given me a buzz. And, yet, I'm not motivated at all.
I remember one of my best friends telling me I could never start a blog, because there is no way that I would ever be consistent. WHAT!? Me? Pah.
Today, I played with Peter Pan, Michael, and Nana. I was Wendy. All day. And ya know, my life was magical. For heavens sakes, we flew. Everywhere. We went on a boat, up into the sky, into a castle, to the top of a few mountains, and then hid from a few monsters, just for good measure.
Which, is almost as exciting as my day yesterday.
But, after clicking on interviews on YouTube (including Justin Timberlake, the Cast of Glee, Jessica Simposon, Jessica Beil, on and on...) for the last hour, I'm thinking that I should keep on procrastinating. Ya know, all those stimulating, thought provoking (not at all) interviews have really given me a buzz. And, yet, I'm not motivated at all.
I remember one of my best friends telling me I could never start a blog, because there is no way that I would ever be consistent. WHAT!? Me? Pah.
Today, I played with Peter Pan, Michael, and Nana. I was Wendy. All day. And ya know, my life was magical. For heavens sakes, we flew. Everywhere. We went on a boat, up into the sky, into a castle, to the top of a few mountains, and then hid from a few monsters, just for good measure.
Which, is almost as exciting as my day yesterday.
And probably similar to my day tomorrow.
Life is beautiful.
Life is good.
This was written while I was on bedrest, before my mother in law came and picked up my brood and off they went for a month or however long it was---too long.
I'm so glad I wrote this.
While this last year seemed like a blur, even in the storm, there was happiness.
And cute text!! How'd you do it?! I hope things are going well, Taylor. I miss you and your beautiful boys..and heck, your beautiful husband (inside and out..don't take that the wrong way). We love you guys!