Sometimes, I feel like my blogging vibe gets a little burned out. For whatever reasons, I'm still feeling a little jousted in the blogging sphere. So, until I get out of my funk, and stop pouting, this is all I got.
My brother is on a mission. With that, all of my siblings, at one time or another, have been living in a different state.
Because of that, we like to e-mail each other weekly, monthly, whatever... This is my contribution today.
DOUG! I love your writing. It's pleasing to the ear... er....eyes?? hmmm.
Well hello everyone else. How goes it?? Things on "da island" are going well.
J is talking. A LOT. He gets frustrated when he spurts out something like "Ah bagada un dray doolie" and we just stare at him. He thinks he is speaking clear English, and thinks you're an idiot if you suggest otherwise. He is, however, fairly good at repeating things you say. He can clearly identify who people are, and is specific when requesting they appear, ie.
Uncle Nate = NATE! (it's very clear, actually)
Auntie Sam = AND SAND!
Uncle Jacob = AND J (this one is funny, because we told him his name is J, "and so is uncle Jacob".... that's where the AND comes from. He thinks his name is "And J"...)
Hugh = Hoooey or Boo
Every morning he heads straight to Jacobs door, to see if he is still sleeping. If it's a school day, and he is already gone, he gets really sad. He looks at me and says, "Where'd he go? I don't know." It's his key phrase for anything missing. Then, he has to know where Hugh is, because heaven-forbid Hugh exists anywhere without J! There will be NO FUN HAD if J is not there to enjoy it.
Speaking of which, we had 3 different Easter Egg hunts this past week. Jacob was J's "body guard" for the first one. It was with a bunch of our little friends, ranging from J's age to about 4 or 5. They let the little kids run out first, so they could get a head start before the bigger kids came. J was stoked about all the eggs (it wasn't so much a hunt, as it was a "gather"...there were eggs laying in the grass around the church), and Jacob helped him collect them. He seemed to totally get what was going on: kids running, and frantically picking up the bright colored eggs.
He was laughing his head off as he ran from one egg to another, distinctively passing several on his way, to pick up very specific eggs... not sure why?? Then, on the third or fourth egg he threw into his bag, he realized there was CANDY inside. Who knew?? From then on, before he put any egg inside the bag, he cracked it open and tried to stash all the candy in his pocket... What can I say? He is my son.
Then on Saturday, Chris took all the boys (I had to work. stupid.) to a large Ranch just up the road. There were hundreds of kids there, and something like 6,000 eggs all together?? This time, J seemed to know what was at stake (CANDY!!), and was getting antsy to get started. Once they released the mass of sugar-toothed children, J was off... Until he stepped in mud.
Ok, this I just don't understand. If you know J, you know he is not one to shy away from messes. He can sense anything that could potentially create a mess, miles away. There is a magnetic pull for him. However, he does not like to get messy HIMSELF. Heaven forbid... So, one step into the mud, and Chris said it was over. Mud got on his shoes. Very disapprovingly, he looked down and tried to wipe it onto his leg.
Not the greatest idea.
Of course it smeared down his leg, and then he was just distraught about it the rest of the time. Chris tried to wipe it off, but J couldn't be distracted from the thought that there once was MUD (MUD!!!) on his LEG! Whatever. J turned out with a bunch of eggs, and Chris picked some up for J, too. It was reported as a good time.
Anyway, things are good here. Hugh is growing big. I haven't taken him to any check up "well baby" appointments, because I know they would immunize him, and for whatever reason, I'm dragging my feet with him. With J, I had no problem getting him shots on the normal 2, 4, 6 month track. But, for whatever reason, I'm dragging my feet with Hugh. He just seems more fragile?? I guess... Anyway, it's getting a little ridicules, and I (THINK) I will take him in sometime... this month... ? Just cross your fingers he doesn't get Rubella before then.
Besides that, Hugh is really an angel. He has a very sweet temperament about him. We are already worried that J is going to cause a lot of mischief with Hugh. I can totally see J manipulating his little brother into doing rotten things for him. Hopefully J won't catch onto little Hugh's innocence too soon. It's always those naughty big brothers you have to worry about, right guys?? The little kids are always innocent. That's all I know!!
Chris takes the GRE this Friday. Classes just finished this last week for the Semester. He thinks he got another 4.0, but won't find out for sure until the grades post. Excluding two Chemistry courses Chris took (that almost killed him, he claims), he has had straight A's his College Career. I'm amazed with all the in-laws so far. I believe 3-out-of-3 have graduated before their spouse!! Here's to marrying UP folks!! Doug, you will have to make up for the rest of us! And, go to Law school, just to prove WE CAN DO IT (Billy Madison...)
After Chris completes the GRE, his applications to Grad school will be complete...and then we wait. It's basically down to Fullerton of Long Beach at this point. We shall see.
Well, I better take off. Lots to do, no time to do it. Where does all the time go?? We are excited to see a lot (if not all??) of you this summer. Doug, will you be in Utah at any point?? I, unfortunately (or not), will be one of those you pointed out, that will be spending endless amount of time doing my hair during the time-frame of the Chapman Family Reunion, instead. Shucks. But please, let's plan on meeting up. Is anyone going to be around when Aaron comes home?? Hmmm... So many questions.
Either way, I'll be on the mainland for the next few years, so if I don't you see some of you immediately, I will only be a drive away, so I can access you all a lot easier.
And THAT is something to be happy about.
Love to you all. Aloha.
um, so i'm glad noone has rubella, cause that's what i thought when i read the post title.
ReplyDeletei will be there when aaron gets home! if my vote counts. and it better! i loved this, even if it was a leftover. i feel like i don't know j and hugh at all and i can't wait to hang out with them when you come back.
hi're right..J talks a lot now..i forgot to tell you that last sunday when he was in nursery..he handed me a book to read w/ him and while i was reading the names of the objects..he would try saying the words too.he was so good. all of the teachers in nursery are so proud of him. ;)