Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sad, but true

Just like that.


  1. When I first saw this post, I thought you were going to chop all of his hair off! I ws a little sad! He is such a cutie! Glad I got to see your babe today... that Elvis thing is HILARIOUS.

  2. I like the new cut J. It looks great.

  3. I'm watching this thinking, "I can't beieve he's sitting still so well!". But then I realized he was June's age. He's a baby still! I can't believe you have another one!! How are you coping?! We DO want to come. Guess what, Geof.'s quitting aviation. For good. He's actually talking to a counselor this very second down at Washington State University. Sad, but sooo time, Taylor. Let me just tell you. I'm thinking we go to Hawaii this weekend? I'm not even joking. Have Chris call geof. and talk him into it before our flight benefits are up, okay?!!

  4. I was supposed to put a question mark after guess what..? like that. I'm a little OCD about grammar.

  5. At first I thought you were going to chop off all of his hair... phew! :)

  6. I bet that was a hard moment wasn't it... how many hairs got cut? Three? That was a cute video! He is adorable, I'm glad that you keep his hair long!

  7. i was sort of totally nervous you were going to chop it all off. glad you didn't, i love that boys hair!

  8. I forgot to tell you how adorable your family is! Cograts on the new baby! He is beautiful and I wish you the best with TWO kids! You are brave woman!
