Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I promise we are still alive.

And doing well. Oh, so very, very well!

And I have a lot to post on, I know.

And I will.

I promise.
...Until then, I'm loving my two (I have TWO boys!! BOYS!) miniature boyfriends.


  1. Oh! Those are two VERY gorgeous little boys you have there! Hugh looks wise to me:)

  2. Taylor! Can I please come see him soon?! I know you have family in town, but when you get things back in order I need to come pay a visit! Kindsay wants to come with me too, so I am having her call you and set it up since I don't have your number:) And no, I don't do hair! I wish I did or knew of someone that did... I need some color real bad!

  3. Oh my goodness..!! He's adorable! They're BOTH adorable. how fun, how FUN!

  4. Ooooh, I'm SO looking forward to updates on these handsome little guys! Nice work! :)

  5. so, uh, do you need a babysitter yet, because i know this lady (me) who would be MORE THAN WILLING to take those little fellas off your hands for a bit.

    and hook 'em up with some older women while she's at it. *wink wink*

  6. You two make some precious looking boys! Maybe someday we'll meet them! :) Congrats!
