Monday, January 12, 2009

Let's back up a ways...

With both kidos (when are you allowed to start saying, "all my kids"? When you have three? Four? Hmmm...), I have pretty bummer contractions about three months before they actually decide to arrive. It seems pretty routine for me. Ew. However, over the past two weeks before "go-time" (meaning delivery), I was starting to have very regular contractions randomly through out the day. Nothing I could pin-point would actually start them, or likewise, stop them. These theatrics were getting old... Before that point, they would generally come when I was walking, sitting, etc. but once I stopped that specific "activity", they would generally go away, only to come back and visit later. However, during those last two weeks, they would come, and stay no matter what I did, then go away, for no reason. It was not very comfortable.
Just before the weekend came, I just knew this baby was going to come. I had one-of-those-feelings. No one would believe me though. At our last doctor visit, our doctor wanted to induce me. That day. She had a list of reasons, none of which really hit me hard enough. Nope. I'm a pretty stubborn girl. There would be no inducing for our little family. And have my own list of reasons. Go ahead and throw rocks at me, whatever, but I'm not into inducing. Too bad I took off anonymous comments, because I'm sure there are plenty of people out there having a cow about that staement--- however, another day, another blog post.
Back to my story: So, Sunday, all morning, all during church, all through out the day, I knew it even more: this baby was coming. I felt like the biggest snob at church, just not talking to anyone, while I was having contractions every 3 minutes apart. When I'm in pain, I just don't talk... I become a silent fly on the wall. So, as people asked about my impending due date coming up that week, or tried to start up a friendly conversation, I felt bad about all my one word answers; hope I didn't offend anyone, or come off too harsh. I just couldn't breathe, ya know?

I came home from church, put J down for a nap, and text messaged Chris: I'm going to have this baby. Real soon. Like tomorrow?
He didn't believe me... go figure.
So, what do I do when I'm in early labor? Go to Jackie and Chris' house!! What else? J woke up from his nap, and in between my contractions (which weren't too bad... just suffocating. Not excruciating at this point though), I loaded up the boy, and off we went, just like last time. HA! I sat at her house, and watched her do her thing (they were moving; I was worthless---just sat there, focusing on the coming and going of each contraction, and trying to keep J out of things). After I realized how worthless I must have seemed, J and I went back home.

I text messaged Chris again: I'm serious... I think.

J and I partied, waiting for Chris to get him from his never ending Sunday meetings. Just our luck, they had all kinds of extra meetings going on, keeping him away all afternoon. I was not a super happy camper. Sorry.

Hours later, Chris finally got home. He asked very non-chalantly, "So, was your text for real?" Sigh. I told you, he never believes me on these labor things. I explained that I was having contractions every three minutes, very consistently, but they weren't super painful. I figured I had a few good solid hours before the bad ones really kicked in. He wondered if I wanted to go to the hospital. I'm really into "laboring at home", and just waiting things out until I can't stand being at home anymore. I also had decided that no way in heck was I going to sleep at the hospital for any unnecessary amount of time. I hate that place: I knew if we went too early they would hook me up to pitocin (I am truly convinced this island is pitocin happy) almost as soon as possible, which would really kick me into labor (which would be a good thing), but I would not get to sleep at all that night (which would be a bad thing). I knew I would need my energy for another long haul labor, and figured sleeping at our house that night would be the best bet. If I was still having contractions in the morning, we would head in. If not, then....not.

Putting J to bed was just the start of the emotional over load. I really dragged out our bed time rituals. Really... I knew this was the last time I would put him to bed, before his world got turned upside down. I couldn't let him go. I just held him. For. a .very. long. time. I'm sure he thought I was crazy, but was totally digging this extended bed time ordeal. Finally we put him to bed. And then I cried. For. a .very. long. time.

The nerves had kicked in. I couldn't wrap my head around the "two kid" thing. I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to be able to love both kids as much as I love my J. I didn't want to ruin J. What have I done!? I became some what hysterical. I love that little boy more than my soul could have ever comprehended. I knew I could not physically love another human that much again. The water works went on, and my husband just held me. And listened. Finally, after I had completely exhausted myself between the on going contractions, the hysterics, and tears, I fell asleep...

J back in March... he is still such a baby in my head


  1. love this post. thank-you for letting us hear your story! I can feel your emotion, so sad.

    I feel the EXACT same way about induction as well. no hate commentors here...
    however, you just HAVE to write the rest of the story already! I'm the type of person who doesn't deal well with suspense. this will keep me up tonight night! ;)

    I'll try to wait as patiently as possible tho.

    hope you and all your boys are doing well!

  2. I love the way you express how much you love J!

    and I love the way you write!

    Love it!

    I'm excited to hear the rest of this story too!

  3. wow. I totally agree with laboring as long as possible at home, that is what i want to do with this kid, because hospitals are not comfortable like home is. I also am totally against being induced, ok I wanted to yesterday cause I was all pumped after the dr told me I would need to be, but overall I really don't want to be induced under any circumstance, and I very much agree that MANY MANY people are pitocin addicts, it's not just the island, which I don't understand cause it doesn't sound nice. through this experience so far I am amazed that women get prego after having other kids, cause its so draining. my hats off to you!

  4. Well I was induced and it was fine experience, but in no way do I advocate it. To each his--I guess in this case it would be her--own.

    I'm waiting anxiously for the rest of the story too!

  5. Encore! Encore!! You look absolutely beautiful in that first picture, by the way. Love you, cousin.

  6. This is probably one of the best birthing stories I have ever read so far. I love your stubborn perseverance and knowing what you what.

    I can't wait to read the rest of the story.

    I love watching you raise J and I'm amazed at your strength. I really do admire you.

  7. gosh, only a girl that's been through the eh, JOYS of labor and pregnancy can really understand your feelings. I was SO there when I was prego with Nate. And I know I'll be there all over again in a few months. Were you in transition, I sob like crazy in that stage of labor. :) thanks for sharing the story, as always I love your posts...when do we get to hear the rest?

  8. i love your labor stories, but i really want to hear the end.... please post again soon!
    oh, and funny thing happened yesterday, i got a call from you, but it was not you. somehow when i saved my new neighbors number in my phone it saved under your name so when she called i thought it was you, and then was so let down.

  9. And yet we just have all this love. Love for "all my kids"
