Saturday, December 20, 2008

Since you asked.

This is so corny. So not something I want to put on my blog. Urgh. Sigh.

Alright, Chris has been dying for me to post this. I have hesitated, but after his kind persistence, here we go:

When do you think our little kido is coming?
My vote from the beginning has always been the 27th. I'm an optimist, obviously.... HA! Our due date is Christmas. Chris' original guess was December 23. But, as of late, my vote is Monday, Tuesday at the latest--I'm talking late Monday night, because my last labor was hellishly long... that's why I get two guesses.

What do you think we are having?
We both think boy. I think... Chris has said boy from day one. Me? I've been back and forth this whole time. Today, this very second, I'm going with boy. I'll say 90% at this point though. That's a lot.

How big do you think this human will be? (dumbest question ever)
Everyone always underestimates me. I promise I really am as big as say I am. As my mother in law stated, "Wow Taylor, you must have a large internal capacity." With J, the doctors said I would not deliver a baby bigger than 6 pounds. He was 8 lbs 2 ounces. No idea how long he was... Doretha?? Help?? Ummmm, I'll go with 21 inches? 20? Somewhere around there.

Hair? No hair? Dark hair? White hair? Curly? Straight? If you know us, you know J has pretty much always had a full head of head of clear (blond), wavy(ish) hair, since the day he was born. Surprised us, for sure! My vote this time around is less, darker, curlier hair. I'm talking "dark caramel"... maybe I'm hoping for a miniature Chris this time around?? So what.

Gosh, I think that's it. I already appologized in advance for this post. It's not my fault. At all. I do, however, love my husband dearly, and his energetic attitude with all things "baby"... You go boy, you go. We (I mean HE) would love to hear your feedback. Better hurry up before we ruin the "polls" by having this kid any day now.


  1. I can't believe you are so close! I am so bad about judging weight, length and distance type stuff. I am always completely off when I play those stupid "how many jelly beans are in this jar" type game. So the only thing I will make a prediction on is that "it" is a she and that she will have blond hair. I really just want to see what a little girl of yours will look like... probably soooo cute and beautiful.

  2. i really want to see the little human so could i say the 23 in hopes of catching a glimpse in person? wishful thinking? that would mean that you needed to start labor like yesterday to get he/she out by the 23rd ;)

    hope you guys are enjoying your family time!

  3. my vote is the 23rd too...positive thinking always does the trick right!?

    and 8' 4, 21 inches/ boy.

    those are my guesses!

  4. I hate to say this but see if you can hold off till the 29th so we can share birthdays! Wouldn't that be great! I won't be offended if you have it earlier...

  5. sorry that was Brady that wrote the last one

  6. My vote is for a BOY on Christmas Day. As much as I'd love to see you have a little girl, I really think you're going to have another boy. I am horrible with estimates involving measurements, so I'll leave it at that.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and best of luck to you with the new baby. I can't wait to see pictures of the newest Baby Pierce.


  7. I hope it's a girl, because she would be gorgeous! and if the baby is born the 27th that is Tyson Carter's, my sisters fiance's birthday, so it's a pretty cool day!

  8. My vote is a girl on Decemeber 24th!

  9. He's coming so soon? Can you tell I'm voting (and hoping) for a boy? He'll have darker hair and less curly. But his eyes will be blue. That's my guess. I wanna see some more pics of you. Good luck girl! How exciting!!

  10. Oh Taylor!!! I'm so excited for you! I hope that you don't leave us non-Hawaii residents hanging for months on end after the baby is born... wondering these very questions!!! Just kidding... sort of. I'm just really excited for a new baby to enter your world! I think that you are a fabulous mother! More than I hope for cute blonde hair and under 9 lbs (for your sake) I hope that it's a sweet little baby that loves to sleep and make those cute baby noises, and doesn't give you any grief at all in those first few months (or ever!). Good luck my friend!

  11. congrats! I heard the baby was born, can't wait to see pictures. Hope you are doing well

  12. Congrats!! I hope everything is going well for your cute family!

  13. p.s. I can't tell what the pic of Chris is of..?

  14. Its fun to keep guessing which your baby look like before he born.
