Friday, August 8, 2008

Raining babies

SO MANY BABIES WERE BORN THIS WEEK! With this, I have two thoughts I would like to share...
Thought one: I LOVE BABIES. They are a miracle

Of course, everyone loves babies. But I get really really into babies. I love hearing about the whole deal; knowing how the labor went, how the mom is doing, how the baby is doing, etc. Whenever Chris tells me that someone had their baby, he knows he is in trouble if he didn't get all the details. And I mean ALL the details.

Not sure what it is, but I just love hearing about the whole experience. For me, it doesn't get much better than new life. To spare anyone reading this, I won't go into too much detail, but I think our rough road to get our kidos here, has really fired up that interest. I know a lot of people who struggle in a variety of different ways to get their little ones here, and we all take it to heart a different way. For me, I have never been one to shy away from others being pregnant, or having babies. It's weird that it has had the opposite effect, even; I thrive off of others healthy lives! ha! I guess our rocky road really instilled in me, whether I liked it or not, the true miracle this whole "baby making process" really is. I don't take it for granted at all. Every little intricate detail amazes me, in so many aspects.

So, to hear about someone’s miracle in their life, and see this little human that was created, is just inspiring to me! It reminds me that miracles still happen, every day. It's ok if things haven't always worked out for me, as long as things are still working out in the world, in general. Am I making any sense?

Anyway, I got way side tracked. My post was to talk about all these new babies, and their awesome mothers! Every single one of our friends that had their little ones this week was early. Every. Single. One. The best story of all, is Meg! She had her perfectly healthy little baby girl over three weeks early! Of course, the best part is that she is just this healthy little thing, and not a thing wrong with her. Now that’s the way to have a baby!! I need to see if she can rub off on me. Seriously.

I thought that was great, until Chris mentioned to me, “Taylor, you realize that Meg had her baby 6 weeks before you did in your pregnancy, right? That is over a month and half earlier.” Pah ha ha!! Isn’t that wild? J was three weeks late. Exactly. Meg, I envy you. Truly. Six weeks never seemed so long. You go girl. You go.

Thought two: My theory on labor

My Mom had all pretty horrific labors. Pretty much all babies were born late (my twin brother and I were “right on time”, which for twins….is late). So, of course, I spite her for passing on her pathetic labor genes--- is there such thing? Every time one of our friends has a baby, and they have this nice, pleasant labor experience, I think to myself, “See!! I can do that! This next time just has to be better.” I figure all this positive thinking/motivating can only help. But then, the evil party pooper in the back of my head just laughs his evil laugh as loudly as possible, over riding all positive thoughts I was storing, and says, “Dream on.”

I have had one child. This does not make me a labor expert. At all. Potentially, I am not completely doomed---yet. It’s just the history that scares the tarnation out of me. I guess all we can do is wait… Here is my theory: Labor is like an X-rated movie that everyone has to go through to get a human here. You have no other choice. That’s why, I believe, pregnancy is so long--- so by the time the actual “labor” part comes, you think, “I would do anything to get this baby out of me,” and that’s what we call “labor”. It’s a dirty dirty joke.

Anyway, back to this whole X-rated movie theory. I’m sure not all parts of an X-rated movie are so bad. There has to be some kind of plot, where the music is playing, people are happy, and everything is nice. It’s those ugly, nasty, graphic, scary parts that make the move x-rated. So, my theory on birth is this: We all have to watch the horrific movie; for some of us, we only get to see the good parts, and it turns out to be oh-not-so-bad. But, then for others of us, we get strapped down, forced to watch the whole entire movie, from A-Z, without skipping scenes, without fast forwarding. Even better, some of us get to watch it in slow motion, just to make sure we don’t miss any of the details. Don’t forget about the parts that are put on pause, either; neither moving forward or back. Just standing still. Then, if you are a real sucker, you might have to go back, and do a couple scenes over again.

And that’s that. Labor is an X-rated movie. Sometimes, if you can manage to skip just the right scenes, it seems like a pleasant, beautiful G rated Disney movie. Other times, you are strapped down, staring at the screen, with no other way out. You just have to live it, and eventually it comes to an end---eventually. Either way, I’m so happy to know that which ever version you get to watch of the movie, you end up with the most miraculous experience ever invented. It truly is amazing.

So, thanks to all you awesome friends out there, having babies left and right, to remind me of the miracle it is. You are inspiring.

I can’t wait.


  1. I love the way you write, Taylor! All mine were definitely X-rated except for one...but miraculously, the x-rated labors don't stay with you like other x-rated things! What you're left with instead is miracle upon miracle upon miracle...forever! I love babies, too:) And toddlers. And awkward kids. And teenagers. And young adults.
    And just imagine this...waiting for TWO babies - a girl and a boy, coming within a couple of weeks of each other, and you don't even have to go through labor because you're their grandma! I'm telling you...this baby thing just gets better and better.

  2. I really hope you get a g rated movie this next time! That's seriously SO sad that labor was that bad for with J. But it's so true that you get something 1,000 better than a bad thought after. You get a miracle. And I love your ultrasound pictures! I didn't want to find out what Drew was and I hated when people would tell me that I couldn't bond with the baby if I didn't know the sex before hand. People are dumb! I hope you and baby have a healthy pregnancy because that and a healthy baby is all that matters!

  3. Taylor, I hope that my labor can rub off on you a little too and make your next one more like a PG or PG 13 experience. Even though my labor seemed pretty G rated, the videos and pictures Corbin took (unknown to me) proved it to be quite X-rated!

  4. Oh, I didn't realize you were expecting...congrats, I'm so happy for you! (sorry, we've been out of it for a while!). And just so you know...two SUPER fun (feel the sarcasim?) labors over here. I swear, if I hear one more girl tell me "the baby just popped out!" or "I didn't realize I was in labor" or my favorite "we prepared really well, so it was a really easy, great experience" I'll puke. Blah Blah Blah! I have two kids and am seriously contemplating being done. I think some women are MORE made to have children than others. Love 'em once their here, but my gosh it takes a lot to get theim into this world! OH,and I love my babies, but I'm much more of a todler person...

  5. You're such a great writer Taylor- I love reading your blog! I think it's true that we often follow in our mothers footsteps when it comes to labour. My mum had 3 long labours and so was mine- 36 hours from the water breaking till my babe came out. But how true that the miracle in the end is soooooo worth it! I hope your next labour goes well.

  6. Thanks for the comment on my blog, its good to know that I am not alone in peeing my pants!!! But also, I am excited to see how your next labor and delivery goes! Hopefully it will be an awesome experience in a whole different way that J was!

  7. you are such a good writer! I wish so much that I could express my thoughts like that. I am HORRIBLE about writing (or even saying) what I'm thinking.

    very interesting theory I must say! I'm sorry yours was x rated! :)

    I guess mine was pg-13. Which is still acceptable for me. anything past that and I would be done with one. and I am so serious about that.

  8. If you have had a baby, you are an expert on labor.

    Go watch Gone With the Wind. Watch Melanie go through labor with Scarlett O'Hara at the helm, even as them Yankees invade Atlanta. You will be happy for your X rated labor.

    Wait, maybe don't watch that until after your baby is "birthed".

  9. My daughter was born 15 weeks early through an emergency c-section and spent 5.5 months in the NICU. I would have given anything to carry her to term, or at least closer to it. Being 3 weeks overdue? Sounds like a dream to me. :) (And I say that having had hyperemesis gravidarum through my entire pregnancy; it was horrible.

    1. Oh, and it took 10 years to conceive her, with some loss along the way. And we're not able to have Any more kids. :/

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