Thursday, August 7, 2008

Little One

Not sure what my face is doing... just go with it. This is me at 17 weeks.
I can't find the camera anywhere we used to take pics of that day...

We had our 21 week ultra sound today. Since we like waiting to find out what we are having until the baby is born, I have sadly realized that no one else in the world cares about our ultra sound, but us. HA!

Here is where I get jousted because as any other pregnant couple, we get really excited for our ultra sounds! Just because we don't find out the gender, I think people forget that we are still giving birth to a human, and I am still pregnant. But I am! And I still LOVE getting those glimpses of my baby, and knowing that everything is healthy---have you all forgotten THAT IS SUCH A BIG DEAL TO US? Simply a healthy baby. It reminds me that this is all real. I'm not dying, but just pregnant. :)

So, to all you bums out there that don't care about my pregnancy, since we don't know what we are having, this is not for you. This is for the people that love me. I'm kidding. Sort of.

Pictures from my cell phone, of the utlra sound shots... obviously not the best quality:

The arm is bent up to the head, like it's laying out on a hammock

A pretty straight on shot of the face. I just liked that the heart was in the picture.

A super creepy shot, of the baby yawning... ha ha it looks like a pirate flag, or ghost. Take your pick.

Best of show, the thumbs up. You go kid, you go.

Anyway, for anyone keeping up, this baby was a lot less (A LOT LESS!) cooperative than J. It had no desire to perform for the camera. The baby was laying on it's side, curled up, trying to hide as far back as possible. The doctor had to keep pushing on my belly to try to find the little stinker so far back. So, that makes sense why my back is always killing by the end of the day. J was always a little performer, ready and willing. His ultra sound pictures are a lot more clear, and distinct, and obvious.

Everything looks great and healthy with this little one, and is still due smack on Christmas Day. It's not the Christmas part that is awesome to us, but the fact that every single ultra sound has been consistent. Again, with J, every ultra sound was crazy, off the charts due dates. Hence the lack of surprise for his late arrival. At least we have a general idea of when this one should come. Emphasis on "should".

Last but not least, the best news of all! We would be lying if we said no one knows the gender of our baby. Obviously, the doctor doing the ultra sounds knows, but there is another person, too. We had him write down the gender on a letter I had previously written to my brother Aaron on a mission. We brought an already addressed and stamped envelope for him to seal the letter into. Then, we were on our way. Erik Norton was baby sitting J for us, and we actually had him take the letter to the mail box. So... does Erik know? Did he peek? I guess we will never know...

And that's our report for our little one.


  1. So SOOOO exciting!!! As for that Erik never know about that guy. But he keeps a great secret!

  2. I am excited to know the gender of baby pierce #2.danG Becca you are one sexy pregnant woman. you go girl. See you all in 2weeks I can't wait to play with baby J..

  3. Hooray! I'm so glad you've started posting pictures of your cute baby bump... you are seriously the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen.

    I'm glad things are going great with the new baby! How exciting... I can't wait to be finished with school so we can start our own baby adventures!

    All the best, keep posting pictures! :)

  4. You are not even pregnant in that photo. Geez. We miss you guys!

  5. Uh, is it just me or are you the skinniest pregnant girl in the world? Yeah, I'm pretty sure! Anyway, I'm glad the baby is looking healthy!

  6. Becca-
    You look AMAZING- Even being prego!! I am sitting here wondering to myself how you look SO GREAT!?! I wish I could look like that! What's your secret?
    I am so excited for you guys to have baby #2!! I hope all is going well for you, and the fam!! Keep writing! Its great to have updates!!

  7. so next time you post a prego pic, maybe you should work on looking a bit more pregnant.

    and i'm ULTRA excited for the ultrasound pics ... w or w/o the gender (gender guessing is the BEST)

  8. Congratulations on being prego! I agree with you about the whole babies thing. We had been trying for over 3 years before we got a healthy pregnancy. It's a miracle that healthy babies can be born with all that can go wrong in the whole process!!!! Congrats again!

  9. ummm...are you sure you're pregnant? Seriously, I look more prego than you do!!!!! :) congrats again.

  10. What a good idea with the letter! How fun! I think that your baby looks amazing! Love the thumbs up picture the best! How exciting. I'm with the rest of them... how is it that I look more pregnant than you and I'm not pregnant? I'll have to work on that one! You look amazing! Glad the baby is healthy and everything is going well!

  11. yay! that's so exciting. i think it's cool that you guys aren't finding out the gender. it will make it that much more exciting. oh my gosh, i can't believe how tiny you are! you do not look pregnant at! congrats! i'm so happy for you guys.

  12. You don't even look pregnant in your photo! Not even a baby bump! I looked about 10 months along when I was 17 weeks! (not to mention I still look like I could be pregnant!)
