Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Strangers love me

When I was with my boys the other day, a woman felt inspired to speak to me. I'm just one of those people that attracts really normal encounters, with really normal people, who say really normal things. It's a talent.

Hurrying to catch me before she could give me her well wishes, she stopped me.

"Oh, two boys?", as she panned her arm across my offspring like Vana White.

"Yes, that's right." I decided to humor her.

"Are you going to keep trying?" I had no idea what she was referring to. To make the situation even more pleasant, instead of answering her like a mature adult, I chose the higher road, and played my usual smooth card. I just stood there... waiting for her to finish her finished sentence.

Finally after her vow of silence, she finished, "Honey, you can get a girl. I'm sure you can. Just keep trying!"

After realizing what she was implying, it dawned on me: "Ya, who knows? My husband has a family of all boys, so hopefully my boyfriend can really pull through," and we walked off leaving her with her jaw on the ground.

Just me and my boys.

Home to my smokin' hot boyfriend who I was lucky enough to marry years ago.


  1. Ah, the wit! I wish I could have seen her face.

  2. Man, I love that you love idiotic people as much as I do.

  3. That's awesome! Really hilarious! I love people with no social boundaries. They're fantastic!

  4. i LOVE you!!! I cannot stop laughing and had to run with my laptop up to our room where Adam was watching TV to read this post to him. You are so fantastic!!!!!!!!!!! I need to see you since you are here!!

  5. oh man, i think it's so funny how people say the weirdest/rudest things to you! i love how you have the guts to tell them how it is! :D
