Jacob loves to hold his nephews. First thing he does after walking in the door from school, and unloading the contents of his arms across the front room floor, he says, "Where are the boys!?" and every day I say to him, "Sleeping." and every day he says, "Ok, call me when they wake up? Ok? Promise?" And every day I say, "OK. I promise."
For being the baby in the family, he really loves babies. When he first got here, he wasn't sure how to hold Hugh, or what to "do" with him. He would always nervously hold him and say, "Ok, now what?" Gone are the days...Now, he is a total natural. You would never know he dropped Hugh on his head.
Pah ha ha Ok, I have resisted and resisted posting this, because he would be devastated if I told you. But, as far as I can tell, it's clear no immediate damage has occurred to Hugh. And it's been a few months. So, I'm thinking we are in the clear.
Jacob was feeling very adventurous. When we heard Hugh quaking (not squawking. this kid quacks) in his bed, he jumped off the couch with enthusiasm declaring, "I'm going to get him!!"
I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Ok! Let me know if you need any help."
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me and said, "Help?? What? Why would I need any help? Who do you think I am? I totally got this!" and strutted away to grab the young one.
Once safely arriving back into the front room, he managed to implant himself back into the same exact spot on the couch, where his bum had left an imprint before he got up. "See!" he said to me, as he turned to grab his game boy off the side of the couch, "Take a picture!! I totally got this," he repeated.
So, being the proud, mother/sister in this situation, I did as told.

LITERALLY seconds after the picture was taken, three significant things happened in about a half second flat.
1)Hugh pukes on Jacob's hand
2)Jacob instantly jumps up, while lifting his arms straight up in the air to avoid more pukage... letting go the three month old sitting on his lap
3)Hugh catapults off his lap and face plants it onto the floor.
And I was sitting right there for it all!! Pretty horrific, yet in some twisted way, I had to bite my tongue to not burst out laughing. You don't think it's funny?? No, it's totally not funny. I get that. But the horror in Jacobs eyes just sucked out any of the despair in my own heart.
I don't know who cried more, Jacob or Hugh. Since that moment in time, Jacob has forever indebted himself to Hugh. Every day since then, he asks Hugh if he is ok. Any time Hugh cries, TO THIS DAY, Jacob asks, "Is it because I dropped him?"
The picture is dated 4/15/09. Yep, it's been a while.
ok not funny, but kinda...only because only a mother would let her child puke all over her and not react, everyone else...would react!
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness your kids are growing up so much, I swear J is a total different boy with that hair-do. Keilana cant wait to have some buddies. Anyway they are adorable, oh my goodness she just let out a huge one, gotta run and go change a huge messy diaper. luv being a momma
ReplyDeleteHi cutie cute taylor! I can't believe how absolutely adorable your family is. Loved hearing about your mother's day -- you are the woman.
ReplyDeleteQuick question...I'm in charge of planning our anniversary this year and I thought I'd dream big. I found an awesome deal on flights over there for the a couple of days in the middle of July, but am having a rough time finding a good deal on a hotel. Is there anywhere around there that you can recommend (either as a place to stay, or to avoid)? Thank you so much! have a great day:)
Jasmine was dropped on her head when she was a baby... after almost 16 years, she seems to be okay! Poor Jacob! Poor Hugh, for that matter.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're back to blogging. I've missed reading. Take care, cousin.
BAHAHA is it because i dropped him? oh jabbo... i love him like a little brother. and ever since my biological siblings have left me, i can't wait for my other ones to come back. at least for a visit. even if that means cleaning parties with elizabeth.
ReplyDeletehugh seems okay to me. a very happy and mellow baby. little ones are very resilient.
ReplyDeletethat's the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life.
ReplyDeleteI somehow missed this post. That is so funny/sad. Your brother is so adorable. He reminds me of my little brother when he was that age. How sad that he still feels so bad about it. Aww, what a cute kid.