Monday, March 23, 2009

J, my ever so wonderful, pathetic excuse for an immune system, first born son, is sick. As usual. Seriously. What gives?? I LIVE IN HAWAII, and my kid is sick. You would think it should be some sort of law, or something, that kids who live in Hawaii should not get sick. I grew up in the hell-froze-over state of Utah. Now, that is an excuse to being sick. Freezing cold temperatures, being cooped up inside from said temperatures, etc. etc. But Hawaii? Come on? Who gets a COLD when it's 70 degrees outside?


Anyway, I haven't been letting him drink milk the last couple days, because frankly, I don't know how much more chunky, curdled milk vomit I can handle. There is a limit. I have surpassed it.

So, feeling positive about our "it's been over 4 hours since he last threw up" situation we were in, we courageously stormed off to Foodland to track us down some good ol' Vitamin D goodness.

Upon arriving to our destination, I opened J's door to get him out of his car seat. While examining him, I said out loud, "Hey Chris, I actually really like J's hair." I knew this day would come. And here it was!!

Then, of course, as fate would have it, our best friend from the hair cut store appeared!! PERFECT TIMING!! I scrambled to grab my human, so he wouldn't run off into the parking lot, and like a little kid, excited to see a celebrity, but then becoming really shy, not really knowing what to say, I stopped her.

Back up.

You read my last post. When I was checking my email last night, I came across a comment, that made me realize I might have offended someone. ME? Offend someone unintentionally? I'm pretty sure I'm your go-to-girl for a good ol' fashion unintentional offense. You feeling bored? Want to be offended? Head on over; I'm sure once you get me talking, I'm bound to say something stupid. On top of that, feel free to take it the wrong way and get offended. It's an art I have mastered. It's what I do. If you see me walking around with a sign hanging from my mouth that says: INSERT HERE, you will understand why.

Gosh, I swear.

I could use a lot more tact in my life. Anyone want to lend me some? I'm always getting myself into messes. Unintentionally. Truthfully so, too. So, as I laid in bed the night before we were reunited with our new friend, I couldn't stop talking about it.

"Chris I think I really hurt her feelings!"

"What do you think I should do?"

"I really didn't mean to..."

"Gosh, I'm an idiot."

Finally after whining about it for long enough, and trying to figure out what I was supposed to do about the predicament I got myself into, I was determined to track down my friend from the hair cut store, and beg and plead for her forgiveness.

And low and behold, here she was. As fate would have it, our paths were crossing. That sure made for a far less awkward conversation, which was the only other alternative I could think of, of me tracking down her phone number from anyone I could on this island, and calling her up. Yes, this was a lot less awkward.

I stopped her before she could get away, and before I would wuss out. I told her that I read the comment she left on my blog... I proceeded to effectively pull my foot out of my mouth. I did not, in any way, mean to offend her. I purposely wrote that long disclaimer at the beginning.

And I felt bad.

And we hugged.

That means all is well.


I like this girl. You can betcha I'm headed back there for my hopefully-not-so-annual cut. And that, my friends, is how much I really do like her.

But, come to think of it, I guess I never said I didn't like her in the first place...
Now, to whoever "Lindsay" is, thank you for going out of your way to show her my blog. I had no idea you were such a fan. I guess while I'm at it, I should say, "Welcome to my blog".
I like my BFF from the hair cut store, thank you very much.
This blog is only for lovers, not fighters. If you want to start some Junior High rubbish, feel free to see your way out. The big red "X" at the top right of your screen should help you with that process.


  1. OH, dear ReBecca:

    i love you to eternity.

    Sleep. Over.

  2. i love the drama that your life can be!! she seriously is an AWESOME hair cutter, huh!

    and i love that you had the courage to talk to her ... i would have fretted over it for months, seriously. and i guess now that i think of it, i love that she had the courage to comment on your blog.

    *sigh* good post, friend. good post.

    and sorry J is sick, again.

  3. Oh geez... in my perfect world people wouldn't be so easily offended. Period. I think that they should teach people in hair school that sometimes they might give someone a haircut that they don't like, and they might just cry because hair is an important part of ones body. I'm sorry that you had drama over this. I would have felt the same way (as you) if my little boys blonde curlies got chopped off.

  4. hmmm...time to go private? (;
