Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I have two little ones.

I guess I didn't realize HOW different it would really be. I didn't even realize how much I was expecting them to be the same, until little Hugh was born. When they handed him to me immediately after he was born, I was actually taken back because I instantly realized, "Wow, this is a totally different baby."

I guess when you are expecting your second (or I guess I should way when I was expecting my second--I shouldn't assume everyone is the same), I thought, "Ok, been there, done that. I know what to expect." But, and this is the oh-so-obvious, you don't know what to expect!! This baby is a brand new baby, and a totally differnet human than your first.

It's mind blowing.

To me.

I love both of my children, as if they are simply extensions of my very own soul. I would do anything for either one of them. Anything. J was one of my very best friends before Hugh was born. I didn't know how I would ever love another as much as him. I was convinced it was impossible, and almost mourned for this second potential child, because I just knew he was going to get the bum end of the deal---after all, J was my first love.

However, when Hugh was born, it was like my heart doubled. I was born, again... again. I became two mothers, all in one. My soul was multiplied. Again. It's an incredible feeling to explain. It's not that my heart was sharing room with Hugh and J, but that it physically just doubled over. Impossible? I thought so, too.

I now feel like a mother of two. Because I have two different humans, they need two different Moms---all wrapped up in the package called "Me". It's amazing how mothers pull this off!I look forward to being the mother of these two boys (I still can't believe I have two boys...). I hope I can always be the mother both of these boys need. I love them dearly, and I'm so grateful they both have come to me. I am honored. I adore them both, and thank them daily for making me their Mom.

For I could want nothing more.


  1. I love the way you write!

    and how obvious it is that you are completely infatuated with your boys!


    I also wanted to let you (and Jacob) know that there is a Primary Party at the church on friday at 3:30. (I'm sorry I'm leaving it in a blog comment... I know it's pretty lame of me...)

  2. im so glad to read this. i have been freaking out lately thinking no!!!!! maybe i just should have had one child because he is my favorite and i dont think i can love a second as much! and i dont want ambrose to get less attention or be confused. i know its dumb- but that is what i have been moping around about lately. i still dont fully believe it since i have yet to experience this for myself, give me four more months, but i am glad to hear that you grow in love and can love them both.

    i wonder what that feels like.

    anyway, great to see you last friday- see you this friday?? i hope so!

  3. This was a really sweet post, Becca (I almost wrote Taylor... whoa). I can't wait to become a mommy.

  4. Isn't it amazing?? I remember those feelings like it was yesterday. You'll REALLY be blown away when your heart triples. Then quadruples, etc., etc.:)

    I wish I had your gift with words to now explain what it feels like to be a grandma. You're not going to believe it! (p.s. - thank you SO much for the pics!)

  5. ah, motherhood. great post, i agree 100%

  6. hey sister of my soul.


    my favorite line: "Because I have two different humans, they need two different Moms---all wrapped up in the package called 'Me'."

    amen AmEN AMEN!

  7. What a beautiful piece of writting! Thanks for sharing!

  8. That is so sweet too. I love reading what you write. I can't wait to experience this whole "2 mom thing", because I am most often just worried about having 2 kids. I totally understand the "feeling bad for the 2nd child coming" thing, cause that's the stage I pretty much am in. ;-)

  9. For heaven sakes, Becca..Taylor, whatever! Your writing slays me! I LOVE it. I LOVE you!! oh wow.

  10. Congratulations of your family becoming four.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Take care
    Luv Tealia, Luke and Brooklyn
