Friday, November 21, 2008

He is mine.

I must be pregnant, because I can't look at this picture without crying. My heart swells, it feels like it's going to burst. It just sums up to me, how I feel about my dear boy. My first born. Oh, I love you so very much J. You have given me more than I ever thought possible. You made me a mother, and for that, I can't ever thank you enough. We dreamed about you long before you arrived. And you are mine. There are not words that explain what I feel when I think of you.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

It is impossible to love anything the way you do your own child.
It's unexplainable.

And magical.


  1. Ok that is such a tender picture. I love it! He is growing up into a little boy. His hair is sweet. When are you due anyways? Also what is the name of that stroller? I need it!

  2. This is such a sweet picture. I really can't wait to have babies of my own.

  3. Look at that face! And that hair. Becca, your pics, your words, great. Happy Thanksgiving to all 4 of you!

  4. I really this picture on post which comely! Its interesting how you had shared your feeling being a mother and have a son and you're a pregant. I would have experience someday.
